![]() |
Meeting Date |
Agenda Items
(Chugach Consumers comments in italics & brackets) |
Directors | |||||||
Voting codes:
(Vote evaluations by Chugach Consumers)
A = present, but absent for vote (counts as no) b = abstained (choice NOT to vote -- counts as no) B = abstained (required NOT to vote -- not counted) e = excused absence (counts as no if outcome affected) n/y = no/yes (NOT preferred) TEAL N/Y = No/Yes (PREFERRED) YELLOW |
I M P O R T A N C E |
K E N N E D Y |
B O U C H E R |
D A V I S O N |
M I N D E R |
B I R C H |
K R E I G |
J A S P E R |
06/28/99 | Special Board Meeting: II. Action (executive session - subject importance unknown, estimated at 3) | 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | n | Y |
9/22/99 | IX.C. Tariff Advice - Operating Tariff Line Extension and Fees | 7 | Y | n | Y | Y | a | Y | Y |
12/15/99 | IX.E. Motion to appoint 5 members to 2000 Bylaws Committee | 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | n | Y |
3/15/00 | XI. Executive Session - Financial and Legal Matters - subject importance unknown, estimated at 3 | 3 | y | y | a | y | N | N | y |
4/19/00 | IX.B. Rubber Gloving in Alaska - Table Motion directing General Manager to send letter supporting SB243 (ending ban on use of rubber gloves in Alaska) | 6 | y | y | N | y | N | N | y |
Voting codes:
(Vote evaluations by Chugach Consumers)
A = present, but absent for vote (counts as no) b = abstained (choice NOT to vote -- counts as no) B = abstained (required NOT to vote -- not counted) e = excused absence (counts as no if outcome affected) n/y = no/yes (NOT preferred) TEAL N/Y = No/Yes (PREFERRED) YELLOW |
I M P O R T A N C E |
K E N N E D Y |
B O U C H E R |
D A V I S O N |
M I N D E R |
B I R C H |
L I P S C O M B |
J A S P E R |
6/21/00 | IX.A. Reinstate 1990 Memorandum of Understanding with IBEW Local 1547 and Approval of Southern Intertie Project Labor Agreement with IBEW | 8 | y |
y |
N | y | N | N | y |
7/19/00 | VIII.A. Rubber Gloving - Motion to direct General manager to work with lobbying to repeal regulation which prohibits rubber gloving in Alaska | 4 | y | N | a | y | N | N | y |
VIII.A. Rubber Gloving - Motion to draft position paper supporting SB243 allowing use of rubber gloving in Alaska | 5 | n | n | a | n | Y | Y | Y | |
VIII.A. Rubber Gloving - Motion to direct General manager to send letter stating Chugach's support for SB243 | 7 | n | n | a | n | Y | b | n | |
12/13/00 | VIII.2. Resolution of Employee Appreciation | 3 | Y | Y | Y | n | Y | Y | n |
VIII.4. Member Advisory Vote Regarding Conversion to Investor-Owned Utility | 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | b | |
IX.B. 2001 Operating and Capital Budget | 5 | Y | A | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
IX.H. Director Kennedy's Proposed Amendment to Association Bylaws (would end current nine year term limit for board members) - Director Kennedy made comment on the tape that the motion was merely to send it to the Bylaws Committee for their discussion and comment only, the board is NOT approving it at this time. | 4 | y | y | y | y | N | y | y | |
IX.I. Blue Ribbon Committee on Director Compensation (motion to table to after April 2001) | 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | n | Y | |
2/14/01 | IX.C.2. Bylaw change: Remove Limits on Board Compensation from Bylaws (vote#1) | 4 | y | y | N | y | N | y | y |
IX.C.2. Bylaw change: Remove Limits on Board Compensation from Bylaws (vote #2) | 2 | y | y | y | y | N | y | y | |
IX.C.2. Bylaw change: Remove Limits on Board Compensation from Bylaws - include dissenting opposing opinion in the ballot pamphlet. | 2 | Y | n | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
IX.C.2. Bylaw change: Eliminate Board Term Limits (currently nine years) | 7 | y | y | N | N | N | N | A | |
3/21/01 | IX.C. Line Extension Policy Change -- Chugach Contribution Amount Phase-out | 5 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | n |
4/18/01 | Motion to override Orders of the Day to add Agenda Item -- failed, needed 2/3 majority (this description is what was printed in the voter pamphlet and it is a typical example of what Chugach staff does to make sure these voter reports are meaningless to members trying to understand what is happening. This was a vote to add to the meeting agenda discussion of the staff's resistance to the Chugach Consumers request for a year 2000 Chugach salary list. Release was required under the reform bylaws passed by 80% yes vote of the membership in 1996. Staff stalled, claimed they didn't have information on what employees were paid readily available, then wanted to charge for the cost of writing a software program to prepare such a list!). | 6 | n | Y | Y | n | Y | Y | n |
Voting codes:
(Vote evaluations by Chugach Consumers)
A = present, but absent for vote (counts as no) b = abstained (choice NOT to vote -- counts as no) B = abstained (required NOT to vote -- not counted) e = excused absence (counts as no if outcome affected) n/y = no/yes (NOT preferred) TEAL N/Y = No/Yes (PREFERRED) YELLOW |
I M P O R T A N C E |
K E N N E D Y |
B O U C H E R |
D A V I S O N |
C O T T R E L L |
B I R C H |
L I P S C O M B |
J A S P E R |
5/23/01 | IX.C. South Anchorage Bulk Substation -- Land Purchase | 5 | y | N | y | y | e | N | y |
2/19/02 | IX.A. COMPensate Wage and Salary Plan -- Raise non-represented employee salaries by 4.12%. | 6 | y | y | y | N | y | y | y |
3/20/02 | IV.B. Member Comments by Ray Kreig. Motion to return to orders of the day and cut off Kreig speaking time. Kreig was speaking against accepting IBEW Union contract renewal without negotiation. | 6 | y | y | N | a | N | N | N |
4/17/02 | VIII.A. Collective Bargaining Unit Extensions - Extended IBEW Union contracts without negotiations more then a year before they even expired! See extensive discussion | 10 | y | y | N | y | N | N | y |
Voting codes:
(Vote evaluations by Chugach Consumers)
A = present, but absent for vote (counts as no) b = abstained (choice NOT to vote -- counts as no) B = abstained (required NOT to vote -- not counted) e = excused absence (counts as no if outcome affected) n/y = no/yes (NOT preferred) TEAL N/Y = No/Yes (PREFERRED) YELLOW |
I M P O R T A N C E |
C A S O N |
B O U C H E R |
D A V I S O N |
C O T T R E L L |
B I R C H |
L I P S C O M B |
J A S P E R |
7/17/02 | IX.C. HERE Union Agreement Extension | 7 | y | y | y | y | N | y | y |
10/16/02 | IX.E. Board Policy 128 � Confidentiality Policy. This is a serious step backwards away from member access to information and transparency for co-op operations (more information). | 5 | y | y | a | y | y | y | y |
II. Agenda. Motion by Director Birch to remove item IX.D. Southern Intertie from agenda. | 4 | n | n | n | n | Y | n | n |
II.A Approval of Agenda. Motion by Director Birch to release confidential document, February 16, 1998, Rate Payer Impacts of Proposed Transmission Projects Final Report - This is the "secret" report on the Southern Intertie costs and benefits to ratepayers. | 7 | Y | b | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
1/15/03 | No contested votes |
For more information see: Voting Analysis Method Importance to You
1999-2002 Directors
Voting Scores
1994-1998 Directors Voting
Scores Director Voting Record
Please send comments or questions to Chugach Consumers