Chugach Consumers

$ave Money on your electric bill!

It is well worth your while to carefully consider your Chugach Electric ballot and vote knowledgably.  It is the only way you can shop for low cost power as long as the Alaska public remains captive as customers to electric utilities granted a monopoly service territory.  All you can do is BE SURE to elect strong, independent, efficiency-minded directors to your cooperative boards.  

Is hundreds of dollars in potential savings from your electric bill worth 15 to 30 minutes of time to better consider your vote?     

How the voting record of directors affects your electric rates


Current Chugach Electric Board voting record:     Voting Score   Detailed voting record 

Your electric rates were planned to go through the roof by the old 1994 IBEW Union backed Chugach Electric Board of Directors!

A Citizens for an Independent Chugach Electric* endorsed majority was elected to the Chugach Electric Association Board of Directors in April 1995.  The three reform bylaws on Free, Open and Competitive Bidding, Reduction of Conflict of Interest, and Information Disclosure (release of salary list) were passed overwhelmingly by the membership in April 1996.  LOOK AT THE DIFFERENCE IN YOUR ELECTRIC RATES UNDER THE NEW CONSUMER SYMPATHETIC INDEPENDENT BOARD!  IT IS WELL WORTH YOUR WHILE TO STUDY YOUR CHUGACH BALLOT -- IT KEEPS $$$ IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD BUDGET.

* The predecessor support group to Chugach Consumers.  

Please send comments or questions to Chugach Consumers