1. Chugach Electric should not be controlled by the IBEW union.
2. Chugach Electric should not be run by people who are dishonest.
3. The current independent, non-IBEW Chugach Electric Board of Directors is doing a wonderful job!
Replaced ineffective CEO
4. Your Chugach ballot is worth thousands of dollars to your family in better cost control at Chugach. Don't throw it away! It's well worth your time to spend a few minutes voting.
1. If you haven't voted for your representative on the Chugach Electric Board of Directors, please locate your large white envelope from Chugach Electric, and use the ballot to vote for Uwe, Rebecca and Liz. If you can't find your envelope, another will immediately be sent to you by calling 566-1700. Call now, 566-1700.
2. If you have voted, and were misled, it's too late for you to change your vote. But you can spread the word and encourage others to search for their Chugach envelopes, or request a duplicate, and vote for Uwe, Rebecca and Liz.
3. If you have voted for Uwe, Rebecca and Liz, you will be rewarded by an independent Chugach Electric, free from IBEW control and providing the best, most reliable electricity at the lowest cost possible.
Thank you!
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