Downtown Chamber Stars??
Their political slime campaign on behalf of the special interest IBEW Union against the Chugach Electric Reform board

Fired CEO Joe Griffith has told many in the community that he is committed to getting rid of the reform Chugach board.  He was basically terminated for lack of performance in delivering better value to co-op ratepayers.  So he then goes out and actively campaigns for IBEW-backed board candidates that will result in an agenda to keep rates high and deliver for the IBEW.  With an agenda like that, a good faith dialogue and debate on the issues does not serve his purpose.  He instead embraces the long-standing IBEW practice of conducting smear campaigns against decent citizens willing to volunteer their service on the Chugach board.


3/28/08 - Letter from Chugach Consumers to Joe Griffith and Tony Izzo requesting that slanderous ad be pulled from TV.  

ONE OBSERVERS COMMENT:  I appreciate your efforts to encourage people to play by the rules - but the "gentlemen" you have addressed in your letter have already shown with their deceptive behavior that they possess a serious character flaw - you cannot change that, ever. Had they been interested in issues and the truth, they would have agreed to the debate on KAKM*, instead, they chose to intentionally deceive people about the current board and about themselves through advertising, knowing that they would never have to answer for their deception. A sad fact of life that people like this can sometimes succeed in spite of their lack of ethics [3/29/08].

* The Reliability Group prompted KAKM to do a "Running" series debate on the Chugach board election.  It would have been the first ever and such has long been desired by Chugach Consumers whose candidates immediately accepted the invitation.  However, all of the IBEW backed directors immediately dropped out probably because they realized, "Hey! This is not smart to launch a despicable smear campaign and then expose ourselves on live TV to a rational debate on the issues.  We will be slaughtered."  They crawled back inside their holes. 


> Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 00:04:17 -0800
> From: [email protected]
> Subject: RE: CRG Ad 'redacted'
> To: [email protected]
> CC: [email protected]
> Ray, I viewed the ad as I told you I would and ran the question by the exec
> committee and the campaign people. They all agree it is factual. I will
> not recommend we pull it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ray Kreig [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 10:54 AM
> To: Joe Griffith
> Cc: Elizabeth Vazquez
> Subject: CRG Ad 'redacted'
> Joe,
> This ad has to be yanked and you know it.
> Liz's letter is attached.
> Thanks,
> Ray
> =======================================
> Ray Kreig, Chairman
> Chugach Consumers
> 201 Barrow #10
> Anchorage Alaska 99501-2429
> (907) 276-2025 fax (907) 258-9614 home (907) 243-8951 
> [email protected]
> =======================================